
Tang Min: The road to cross-border e-commerce innovation and development

First of all, Counselor Tang Min raised three questions: First, China's economy is in a difficult period this year, but the situation of cross-border e-commerce is encouraging。Second, the expansion of cross-border e-commerce now has what new grasp, can seize what new opportunities。Third, innovation is the fundamental road to the development of cross-border e-commerce, how to innovate next。




| To explore new features of the development of cross-border e-commerce industry in the free trade zone

The report to the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that high-quality development is the primary task of comprehensively building a modern socialist country。The free trade zone has activated a pool of spring water for China's high-quality development, and business forms of the digital economy have emerged in pilot free trade zones across the country。Cross-border e-commerce is an important industry derived from the Internet era, and it is also a new business form that is widely used. In the post-epidemic era, the development trend and prospect of cross-border e-commerce industry in free trade zones are unstoppable。




Predict the 10 trends of cross-border e-commerce in the post-epidemic era!

Not only to see the product, and then click to buy, and more people pay attention to diversified forms of shopping, such as auction form and group form of the platform is increasingly popular!Now the hot live with goods is also a form of transaction!




In the future, China's foreign trade will face three challenges?

Relying on the acquisition of foreign companies to achieve industrial upgrading is already a barrier, China has to rely on its own internal work。On November 23, an official document filed by Zhejiang Jisheng Machinery Co LTD in Hong Kong showed that Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi used the Golden Rule of power for the third time since he came to power in February this year to veto a Chinese takeover plan。




China's foreign trade "carrying forward" will also usher in a new dawn!

"You're still on the optimal road, even though there's traffic ahead。This may be the inner portrayal of foreign trade practitioners at this moment。On the one hand,China's foreign trade enterprises are still generally faced with insufficient capacity and soaring logistics costs,Rising prices of bulk commodities and raw materials,RMB exchange rate appreciation,The "four difficulties" of rising labor costs;On the other hand,China's imports and exports have registered positive year-on-year growth for five consecutive quarters,Import and export orders are still growing strongly。




Dry foreign trade | the customs in these countries have so many special regulations?!

Some countries (or regions) customs for the protection of domestic import enterprises,There will be restrictions on return or resale policies,The customs regulates if the goods are to be returned or resold after arrival at the port,A "Non Objection Certificate" issued by the original consignee must be obtained,NOC) or formal "Notice of Refusal"。


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